Wazhack Wiki

"The Knight is a fighter. He starts with good armour and his trusty shortsword. He has some skill with all swords." - In-game description.

The knight is a melee class who starts with a level 1 skill in all sword types and decent starting armor. Knights are the recommended first class for beginners seeing as they're a somewhat straightforward class to play, where the player may just engage in melee combat without the need for additional tactics.

His female counterpart is the valkyrie.


Alignments and Belief[]

Belief System: Big Guy.

  • Lawful Good;
  • Chaotic Good;
  • Neutral.


Starting Equipment[]

Starting Skills[]

  • Swords: 1 point;
  • Backswords: 1 point;
  • Greatswords: 1 point.

Starting Pet[]
