- Absorb Curse
- Achievement
- Acid Blob
- Acrobatics
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Amulet
- Amulet of Dweomery
- Amulet of ESP
- Amulet of Life Saving
- Amulet of Magical Breathing
- Amulet of Reflection
- Amulet of Restful Sleep
- Amulet of Slow Digestion
- Amulet of Strangulation
- Amulet of Unchanging
- Amulet of Versus Poison
- Animal Forms
- Ant Egg
- Apple
- Aquator
- Armour
- Athamé
- Auger
- Axe
- Baby Spider Monkey
- Bacchus
- Bag of Holding
- Baguette
- Baker
- Balrog
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Bard Bardess Strategy
- Bardess
- Bastard Sword
- Bat
- Battle Axe
- Battle Bow
- Battle Lich
- Battle Magery
- Beast Mastery
- Beehive
- Belief
- Big Guy
- Bit of Baker Innards
- Bit of Balrog Innards
- Bit of Barbarian Innards
- Bit of Bard Innards
- Bit of Bardess Innards
- Bit of Battle Lich Innards
- Bit of Bugbear Innards
- Bit of Clothier Innards
- Bit of Daitengu Innards
- Bit of Djinni Innards
- Bit of Druid Innards
- Bit of Druidess Innards
- Bit of Dwarf Innards
- Bit of Dwarf Lord Innards
- Bit of Fire Giant Innards
- Bit of Friar Innards
- Bit of Gnome Innards
- Bit of Gnome King Innards
- Bit of Goblin Innards
- Bit of Hacker Innards
- Bit of Hill Giant Innards
- Bit of Huntress Innards
- Bit of Huntsman Innards
- Bit of King Dwarf Innards
- Bit of Knight Innards
- Bit of Kobold Innards
- Bit of Kobold Lord Innards
- Bit of Kobold Shaman Innards
- Bit of Large Kobold Innards
- Bit of Leprechaun Innards
- Bit of Leprechaun King Innards
- Bit of Lich Innards
- Bit of Master Mindflayer Innards
- Bit of Mindflayer Innards
- Bit of Ogre Innards
- Bit of Ogre King Innards
- Bit of Ogre Lord Innards
- Bit of Orc Captain Innards
- Bit of Orc Innards
- Bit of Orc Warrior Innards
- Bit of Rogue Innards
- Bit of Roman Archer Innards
- Bit of Roman Guard Innards
- Bit of Roman Legion Innards
- Bit of Samurai Innards
- Bit of Shopkeeper Innards
- Bit of Sorcerer Innards
- Bit of Sorceress Innards
- Bit of Tengu Innards
- Bit of Thief Innards
- Bit of Troll Guard Innards
- Bit of Troll Innards
- Bit of Valkyrie Innards
- Bit of Vandal Innards
- Bit of Water Nymph Innards
- Bit of White Witch Innards
- Bit of Wizard Innards
- Black Boots
- Black Cat
- Black Dress
- Black Hood
- Black Kitten
- Black Purple-Red Potion Exploit
- Black Robe
- Black Silk Gloves
- Black Spectacles
- Blacksmith
- Blank Spellbook
- Blessed
- Blindness
- Blob of Acid Blob Goo
- Blob of Ant Goo
- Blob of Brown Mold Goo
- Blob of Cave Spider Goo
- Blob of Fire Ant Goo
- Blob of Floating Eye Goo
- Blob of Gelatinous Chunk Goo
- Blob of Gelatinous Cube Goo
- Blob of Gelatinous Lump Goo
- Blob of Green Mold Goo
- Blob of Killer Bee Goo
- Blob of Lichen Goo
- Blob of Master Lich Goo
- Blob of Queen Bee Goo
- Blob of Quivering Blob Goo
- Blob of Red Mold Goo
- Blob of Redback Goo
- Blob of Soldier Ant Goo
- Blob of Violet Fungus Goo
- Blob of Yellow Mold Goo
- Bloomer Loaf
- Blue Mushroom
- Blue Outfit
- Blue Portal Stone
- Blue Robe
- Bottle of Booze
- Bottle of Water
- Bottle of Wine
- Boulder
- Bow
- Boxer
- Boxer Puppy
- Bread
- Bread Golem
- Broadsword
- Brown Mold
- Brown Robe
- Bugbear
- Burden
- Burn
- Carrot
- Cave Spider
- Cave Spider Egg
- Cave Spider Hatchling
- Certus
- Chained Skeleton
- Chest
- Choking
- Clean Wounds
- Cleaver
- Cloak of Displacement
- Cloak of Invisibility
- Cloak of Magic Regeneration
- Cloak of Magic Resistance
- Cloak of Protection
- Clothier
- Cob Loaf
- Cobra
- Cobra Egg
- Cobra Hatchling
- Collar
- Collar of Jaunting
- Collar of Levitation
- Collar of Protection
- Collar of Unchanging
- Collar of Viciousness
- Colourful Egg
- Commerce
- Composite Bow
- Cone of Cold
- Confusion
- Consider Your Options
- Cooked Food
- Copper Arrow
- Cornuthaum
- Corrosion
- Cottage Loaf
- Courage
- Create Monster
- Creature
- Crown
- Cure Sickness
- Cursed
- Dagger
- Daitengu
- Dalmatian
- Dalmatian Puppy
- Darkness
- Deaf
- Diamond
- Disenchanter
- Djinni
- Door
- Dragon Scale Mail
- Drain
- Drain Life
- Druid
- Druidess
- Dual Wielding
- Dust Vortex
- Dwarf
- Dwarf King
- Dwarf Lord
- Dwarf Lord Small Room
- Dwarf Small Room
- Dwarvish Cloak
- Dwarvish Helm
- Dwarvish Iron Shoes
- Dwarvish Mithril Coat
- Dwarvish Shortsword
- Dweomery
- Editor's Guide
- Egg
- Elven Boots
- Elven Broadsword
- Elven Cloak
- Elven Dagger
- Elven Mithril Coat
- Elven Shortsword
- Emerald
- Enchantment
- Energy Vortex
- Engineer’s Cap
- Excalibur
- Eye Mask
- Fancy Purple Robe
- Feathered Cap
- Feathered Hat
- Fenrir
- FetchScumming
- Fiery Greatsword
- Finger of Death
- Fire Ant
- Fire Ant Egg
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Giant
- Fire Vortex
- Fireball
- Fireproof
- Firestone
- First Aid
- Flaming Sphere
- Floating Eye
- Fog Cloud
- Food
- Force Bolt
- Fort Ludious
- Fountain
- Freezing Sphere
- Friar
- Frost Stone
- Fury
- Gargoyle
- Gargoyle Fountain
- Garter Snake
- Garter Snake Egg
- Gas Spore
- Gas Stone
- Gastronomy
- Gauntlets of Dexterity
- Gauntlets of Fumbling
- Gauntlets of Power
- Gelatinous Chunk
- Gelatinous Cube
- Gelatinous Lump
- Gem
- General Strategy
- Giant Ant
- Giant Bat
- Giant Club
- Giant Rat
- Giant Redback
- Giant Skeleton
- Gladius
- Gleipnir
- Gnome
- Gnome King
- Gnome King Outfit
- Gnome Mines
- Gnome Outfit
- Gnome Small Room
- Gnomish Digger
- Gnomish Walker
- Gnomish Woodcutter
- Goblin
- Gold Coin
- Gold Golem
- Graffiti
- Grayswandir
- Grease
- Greatsword
- Green Dragon
- Green Dragon Egg
- Green Dragon Hatchling
- Green Dragon Scale
- Green Headband
- Green Mold
- Grey Dragon
- Grey Dragon Egg
- Grey Dragon Hatchling
- Grey Dragon Scale
- Grey Outfit
- Grey Robe
- Grimtooth
- Guide for Newbies (Spoilers)
- Hacker
- Hacker Outfit
- Hallucination
- Hand Warmers
- Harp
- Harp of Lullabies
- Haste Self
- Headscarf
- Healing
- Hellhound
- Hellhound Pup
- Helm of Brilliance
- Helm of Madness
- Helm of Telepathy
- Helmet
- Herbivorous
- Hide Outfit
- Hill Giant
- Hole
- Holy Book
- Huge Dragon Skeleton
- Huge Green Dragon
- Huge Grey Dragon
- Huge Rat
- Huge Red Dragon