Wazhack Wiki

The ogre lord room is dungeon feature behind visually large doors that a character may inspect or merely approach (failing a stealth check) to open, which will release waves of ogre lords. Depending on the depth the room is located, there are a total of 4-5 waves, each wave consisting of 1-3 ogre lords each. Rooms located near the surface usually only have 1 ogre lord per wave and will gradually increase in deeper levels.

Ogre Lord Room

Perhaps the most dangerous of all rooms.


  • Depths of 500-2000 feet;
  • Depths of 210-310 metres.



  • Rooms can be triggered simply by walking past it (failing a stealth check). In the mini-map, a triggered room will immediately turn red;
  • Pets do not trigger small rooms;
  • Jumping past the small room to avoid the trigger sometimes does not work;
  • Levitation can be used to fly over the small room without triggering it;
  • Orge lords are quite powerful opponents, as they are fully armored and does devastating damage to characters with low armour. Unless fully prepared, it would be unadvisable to attempt to inspect or even pass by these rooms;
  • The safest tactic is to use a ring of levitation or levitation boots and attack from a distance using bows or a spear. Be advised, it will take a lot of arrows (more than 50-100 arrows) to take down all the ogre lords;
  • Magical gems may prove valuable to weaken or outright kill exiting ogre lords. Leave one near or by the door (preferably between the door and the escape route) and trigger the room.