Wazhack Wiki

The stone golem is a construct which can be found mid to late dungeon. It deals potentially, if it holds the right weapon rather than its own fists, a medium amount of damage to a heavy amount of damage and has a lot of health.


  • Depths of 1400-2000 feet;
  • Depths of 690-890 meters.


  • None


  • Alignment: Neutral;
  • Health: Does not heal;
  • Resistance: Change;
  • Resistance: Cold;
  • Resistance: Poison.


  • It will take close to full damage from wand of death. May take an extra hit to take it down;
  • You can create a stone golem by polypiling;
  • Summoning it with full beast mastery will only mesmerize it, like Iron Golems, it is not possible to fully make it into a pet.